sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010


In my opinion, Obama's speech was very surprising. He's a person who encourages you to struggle for your
studies and to fulfill your goals.

My short-term goals are to pass my Research Progect because I think that it's very hard, so I'm a little bit afraid.
Moreover I get very stressed. My progect is about immigration. I chose this topic because it's a problem of the
society and I think that it's interesting to know why these people leave their countries and give up their family
to start a new life.
So, I think that my topic has a lot of information and it's difficult to sumarize.
My other goal is to pass the Selectivity.

On the other hand my long-term goals are to learn English, so I would like to go to America, because I think that it's
an important language.
My other challenge is to go to College and study teaching.
To tell the truth, this is my real goal. When I started first of ESO, I wanted to be an architect but I hate technology and maths
so I prefer to be a teacher.
I love children and in my opinion this is a hard work (because it's complicated teaching things to young children) but for me
it doesn't matter.

In addition, apart from my school aims, I have others, like: travelling a lot, because I want to know new places and I will try
to spend time with my boyfriend and my family.

In conlusion, everyone makes their own future and this is mine.

Maria Garcia Navarra

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Maria,
    I think your research project sounds very interesting. Immigration is a big problem in society today, and to know the reasons and the results will be good. I also think you've good abjectives for your future.
    I also have plans for the future; I want to finish batxillerat, I want to pass selectivity -and without these I can't go to the university, and study Economics. I also want to travel, especially to learn english.
    Additionally, I would like to have more time for my free time, friends, partys and holidays but this will wait until I finish studying.
    Good luck and you will achieve your abjectives if you try.
