jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Human Rights :)

1. What are Human Rights?

Human Rights are Rights and freedoms to which all humans are intitlet. They can exists as share norms of actual human morallyties or as legal rights.

2. When did human rights start?

The human rights movement emerged in the 1940s, from former socielists in easter and western Europe with contributions from the USA and Latin-America.

3. Why were they created?

Human rights were created in 1948 to protect people and give them the same rights and freedoms no matter their race, but moreover, to the consequences of the second World War.

4. How many human rights are there?

There are thirty articles based on human rights.

5. Which human right were you not familiar with?

Human rights which I am not familiar with are copyright and right to public assembly. I didn’t know that they exist.

6. Choose one human right and discuss:

The human right that I choose is: “NO SLAVERY”.
I totally disagree with slavery, so I think that this human right is so good for people who suffered this injustice.

In my country, Spain, nowadays there isn’t slavery, but when a spanish group of men went to America, they made slaves from the tribes who lived there.

Of course, there are countries that don’t respect this right today, like for example: Africa, in some countries of South America, in some countries of Asia...

In conclusion, I choose this video because in my opinion slavery starts when human race appears and it must disappear inmediately.

7. Are human rights relevant in the world today?

Yes they are, because people, in general, have more freedom than before and, of course, more rights.

But there are a few of them that are not respected yet. For example: it depends on the country where you live, women and men aren’t paid the same amount of money for the same job. A man always gets more.

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