sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Oral Presentation


Hi! My name is Maria and my research Project is about Interior Immigration between 1950 and 1960, in general in Catalonia and in Castelló d’Empúries too.
This phenomen was called “èxode rural” (it means that people leave the country and go to the cities to work in industries).


My aims are:
-To know the causes of immigration
-To know how immigrants lived in their birthplace.
-To know if they adapted well or not in Catalonia.

I chose this topic because I think that it’s an interesting topic to talk and to learn about, but, especially, because my grandparents and my father were one of these families who came to Catalonia in the 60s.


The structure of my project is this:
-There is an introduction (where I talk about my aims)
-There is a theory part (where I talk about the immigration of Catalonia, the industries of Castelló, I have compared immigration nowadays with immigration in the 60s...)
-There is a practical part (where there are interviews).
-And finally, there is a conclusion (where I give my opinion of the Research Project).


To fulfill my goals, I have to do this:

-First of all, I went to “La Farinera” to know the number of people who worked in the 50s in this industry.
-Secondlly, I went to the Town Hall records to know how many immigrants arrived in our village in these years.
-After, I found more information about industries of the town, more photos... also in the records.

To do my practical part I did interviews with catalan people (to know their reaction about immigration) and with immigrants to know how they lived in their village, how they lived here, why they left their birthplace...


I had some problems while I was doing my Research Project but I got over them.

One of them was the interviews, because there are people who have personal problems, there are others that are dead and there are people who don’t live in Castelló now, so at the begining of the project I only had one person to do the interview.
The solution was to find more people who wanted to do the interview.

And the other problem was to find information. I had problems with the milk industry and the rice fields because there wasn’t any information about them.
But finally, I found a book that talked about this.


In conclusion, I think that my project was interesting because I learnt a lot of new things about immigration, about industries of Castelló etc.
But, moreover because I think that I have fulfilled all of my goals, so I’m satisfied with my research project.


I think that my oral presentation went well. Because I used a power point and I looked for some photos to show better to the class my topic and in the power point I included only specific words. The timing could have been better because I sumarize a lot that I wanted to say.

In my first presentation I was very nervous but now, in my second oral presentation, I were more relaxed.
I think that I looked at my audience and I make some movements that held the attention of my classmates.

The stucture of my presentation, was good in my opinion because everything was organized and the content was essential.
Maybe, the people in class weren’t interesed in immigration between 50s and 60s, but for me it’s an interesting topic to talk about.

In my opinion, the worst part was the conclusion, because I was so nervous
and I didn’t remember the words, so I read a little bit.

Finally, I think that my oral presentation was quite well.

I hope taht I’ll improve the next time.


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